Monday, August 24, 2009

14 days later.....

Well, I knew it would be a stretch until I found some way to get into a regular routine (most likely when my oldest son starts school next week:) but here I am again!

OK, a deal to share with anyone reading who shops at Publix. This week there is a BOGO deal on cookies from the brand Back to Nature (found in the organic section.) I have never bought these before, but when paired up with two $1.00 off coupons, you get 2 boxes for $.99! I figured I would give them a try for that price, if we opened 1 box and didn't like them we could always share the second box! Well, that's not going to happen now! We just finished lunch and both boys and myself just ate 2 cookies, and if no one told you they were not made with the regular chocolate chip ingredients, you would never know! Delicious! I will try to go find the link to print up the coupons and see if I can figure out how to link that to here.....a new thing for me!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Will I keep up with this?

OK, I'll admit, I am a blog-a-holic! While I don't "follow" anyones blogs, I do have a list of 10 or so that I check pretty frequently, mostly for coupon deals and freebies and such. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, right? So, I decided that I needed to give this a try myself. I don't know how successful I'll be with keeping up with it. I've never been much of one to write in a journal, I've never had a diary, and I have to force myself to update my boys baby books from time to time (but they are pretty current!)

But, I want to try. We'll see how it goes so don't get too connected just yet!